Thursday, September 25, 2014

#1 Stationary recording 

a) 5th floor Kenilworth, zoom on-board mic 90*/120*

(9/16) The recording is a little noisy, we chose it because of the nice ambient music.

#2 Stationary recording

a) NT3, 3rd floor Kenilworth
b) Zoom on board mics

(9/16) I think these recordings accurately document the space.

#3 Audio Closeups: handheld

a) NT3, Oak Leaf Trail
b) Zoom on board

(9/16) The recordings sound intimate and close, I would have liked to adjust the levels to avoid capturing some of the traffic noise.

#4 Mobile Capture

a) NT3 under North ave Bridge
b) Zoom on board mics

(9/22) I chose, a poor location, I was walking through tall grass, it was difficult to move through, so my sounds dominate the recordings.

#5 Wind (via trees and other objects)

a) 2x NT3 stereo

(9/22) Wind was almost non-existent, so I had to go close to the lake, this resulted in a lot of traffic noise.

#6 "Swiftly" moving water

a) NT3: 360* turn
b) NT3:Close up/ Far
c) NT3: Up/ Down

(9/22) I feel these accurately captured the sounds of the river.

#7 Steup of your choice

a) 2x NT3, Oak leaf Trail, recording close up stick in the mud.

(9/16) I think this "zoomed in" sound of an ordinary object yields an interesting result.

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